What I've found is that most Moms feel unsure in their parenting. They feel confused and overwhelmed by the mountain of contradictory advice to follow.
Motherhood is not what they expected it would be.
What they really want is to relish the family life they envisioned; to feel confident they're doing a great job and to feel at ease as they move through the ups and downs of parenting...but most of them feel unprepared and caught off-guard, uncertain of what to make of new behaviours and how to react to new challenges.
The mistake they make is that they think they need to learn a ton of different strategies...
But, the reality is that they will never feel clear and confident about their parenting decisions until they stop trying out a bunch of different strategies and start learning about what is actually influencing their chiild's behaviour and development.
I know....because this is my story.
- Alexandra
My story is the reason why I teamed up with my Mom, Dr Solomon; to help families navigate the first 5 years with more clarity and confidence.